ok so this is the last of my reasoning blogs. ive covered a fair bit really about what i have learned and in some cases what i feel people can learn and now its time to conclude with a few more lessons and then how i see things.
lesson: 9 how to improve while not climbing
now this can be incredibly hard. ill tell you now that during my current injury i have done very little so far but in times gone by i have managed to improve my physical climbing performance even when taking time out. its very simple really you just need to do stretches and core exercises as often as you can. (i managed core 5 times a week during one injury and came back with a pretty beast core!) unfortunately there are many reasons that make keeping the motivation up to this damn hard!
if im honest i dont actually know anyone who has managed to keep up a lot of physical exercise if they didnt normally while managing a long term climbing injury. now if you're off for anything less than a month no excuses! longer than that and motivation can start to slip. if you have no idea when it will all get better in my experience then well lets just say that exercise is neglected slightly! all this said it is still really important to manage if possible apart from anything else it keeps your moods up.
there are other ways however to improve while not actually climbing. and i have been trying quite hard to put them in place. its important to know your weaknesses as well as your strengths and i know for a fact my head has often held me back in my climbing. so ive been trying to address this. from this point of view i feel that most people can do something to help with their climbing while not on the wall you just have to find it and that can be hard.
lesson: 10 take a step back and appreciate what you got
so this can be kinda hard to do at times when in the rut of injury but when i started doing this most of the time i felt better (sometimes nothing can lift my mood and if i look in the wrong direction, well, lets just say outcomes are not positive!). being able to look at things and know that im glad i did that or im a better/changed/happier/more content person because i climb then i reckon you're doing something right.
from a personal stand point i really feel that even though i have had so many injuries climbing has done a lot for me. yes i have learnt from my injuries but without climbing i have no idea where i would be. when i take a step back i can look at brilliant friends, great trips out and a feeling of community i have never felt before.
so it would seem that in many ways i could say the injuries i have had have happened for a reason. over the past few injury-riddled years i have become a happier, more confident and more reasonable person.(well i reckon so anyhow) if there is a force that controls parts of our lives and makes things happen so that we can learn from them then well it seems to be doing a damn good job.
but i got a problem with the fate ect argument for things. to me it doesnt make sense i believe that nothing will ultimately happen for any outside reason (by this i mean no external forces control our lives) and yet it seems at times that all my injuries have done something positive for me. i have learned things that i needed to at times when i needed to. i think this is because as a human being (just wanted to clarify this as according to some im not one) my brain is tuned to try to make the best of a bad situation. i have found the good things that could be taken from my situations and learned from them. stuff that i could no longer neglect and because of this i just had to deal with them. it could have been now, then or years to come but i managed to learn those things and for that im glad.
so one thing i will say to everyone no matter who you are what you're doing or how great or shit your life is at the moment youve got to learn from the good and the bad and take the rough with the smooth. im 18 and for the past 12 years ive been learning how to deal with crap. and when things got better i felt like i had come out the other side a better person. injuries can tear you apart. you cant let them. find a way to get them to help you in any way you can and things wont seem as bad. so for me did everything happen for a reason. no. but i found reasons to make things happen.
I'm a climber that's what I do. but right now I'm a climber that doesn't climb. an injured one. so that is what i'm going to talk about mainly. injuries and what they do to you. hopefully i will progress to being a climber that climbs and travels so I will talk about that as well but for now injuries are my specialist subject. oh and thanks to nat berry whos now become my editor (she offer to proof read but now seem to do the publishing as well)meaining you dont have to try to read between the typos,spelling errors and genral bad grammer that litters my writing. (i dont like captial letter btw) :)