I'm a climber that's what I do. but right now I'm a climber that doesn't climb. an injured one. so that is what i'm going to talk about mainly. injuries and what they do to you. hopefully i will progress to being a climber that climbs and travels so I will talk about that as well but for now injuries are my specialist subject. oh and thanks to nat berry whos now become my editor (she offer to proof read but now seem to do the publishing as well)meaining you dont have to try to read between the typos,spelling errors and genral bad grammer that litters my writing. (i dont like captial letter btw) :)

me:the basics

A quick overview
i'm a climber. that's it really that's what i like to do. that and skiing,walking,slacklining, travelling around the place and just being in the great outdoors doing good things. i like a simple life really. i want to see the world, climb the world's rocks and do the things that make me look on in amazement oh and have good times with good friends. if i do that then i recon i'll be pretty damn happy. so that's about it really. that's me and my hopes all laid out in 6 lines. like i said... simple.

some quick facts:
name: ailsa kate graham (but im not terribly fond of my middle name to be honest i'm not even 100% sure that's how you spell it!)
date of birth: 20th february 1995 that makes me 17
lives: with my parents in nottingham uk. or the middle workshop in my school tech department.
home: where ever i currently live, looking forward to it not being nottingham
hight: 155cm or 5'1" I am quite short ok!
ape index: 151cm or 4'11" life just isn't fair sometimes!
shoe size: 2 still in kiddy sizes. not sure if this is a good thing...
favourite colour: blue or green depends on the day
favourite possesion: apart from my climbing stuff which are of course on top it has to be my hat which is possibly the best hat in the whole entire world! i am being serious (see pic below)
what i do: well i'm still in education as a 6th form student. im a tech student that happens to also be required to do a bit of maths and physics on the side.(well its suposed to be equal split but guess what i like more)
enjoy: apart from what's listed above i also like designing, getting lost, cake (making and eating),reading books oh and sleeping!

a few things i've done: (theres not much really)
fallen in love with canada after a mere 2 week holiday (skiing in whistler and a week in vancouver which is possibly my favourite ever city)
climbed the height of mt everest with 7 friends in about 7 hours (this was done as fundraising for my trip to Morocco and raised me £1600)
spent 3 weeks trekking including climbing mt tubkal the highest mountain in north africa and getting quite ill(oddly being ill helped me quite a lot later in the trip) and doing community work in moroco
been paraskiing
bit of climbing coatching (something i really enjoy and would like to do some more of)
oh and ive also built a life sized model of my foot out of bean bag beans
slackining with my hat!

hanging out in stanly park vancouver (the best location to have a park ever!)
skiing whistler 2010. best skiing ever!

me paraskiing in france!
les arc 2012 (i skied with my poles in one hand for the whole week)
on top of mt tubkal the highest mountian in north africa

 the foot its pretty much the same dimentions as me!(and yes i do have too much time on my hands)

so that about it really. thats me, i'm a bit of an anomaly. like to do things my way and I'm as stubborn as hell once i decide to do something i do it!

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